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Engine: Unreal

Language: C++

Version Control: Perforce


Heavenfall is a first person spell combat game where you, as an awakened demon, are fighting your way through the heavens to demand answers from the god who sent you there. At the end of your journey, be prepared to engage in an epic fight with Jahun, the final boss.

My key responsibilities included:

  • AI programming

  • Enemy spawners

  • Enemy wave managers


Engine: Unity 

Language: C#

Version Control: Perforce

The Fog is an on-rails arcade shooter where the player navigates spooky environments, shooting down enemies and trying to defeat the King Zombie.

My key responsibilities included:

• Implementing the spawning system, stage system, and scoring system
• Integrating Cinemachine for dynamic camera movements and

programming AI behaviours
• Collaborating with a team, managing tasks with Trello, and handling version

control with Perforce


Engine: Unreal

Language: Unreal Blueprints

Version Control: Perforce

Neon Punk Chaos is a fast-paced first-person shooter, made in 48 hours at the AIE Game Jam. In this game, you face off against attacking ninjas in vibrant rooms. As enemies are defeated, the environment becomes increasingly neon and colourful, intensifying the aesthetic experience. Players progress through sequential rooms, unlocking the next challenge upon clearing the current one.

My Key Responsibilities Included:

• Enemy AI

• Enemy spawning and death management

• Animations

• Other small including Niagara Effects and random coloured bullets


Framework: Raylib 

Language: C++

Version Control: Git

Feathered Feast sees the player flying through the sky, devouring burgers while evading crows, aiming to achieve the highest score by consuming as many burgers as possible. Some key features include:

• Implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm for sophisticated AI pathfinding,

ensuring crows intelligently chase the player
• Developing decision trees for nuanced AI decision-making, allowing for

dynamic responses to player actions

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