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Language: Java

Framework: Spring Boot
Database: PostgreSQL

Cloud Service: AWS RDS
Version Control: Git
Security: HTTPS enabled
API Design: RESTful APIs


Stage 1 of my banking application which serves as a robust platform for managing users, accounts, and transactions, showcasing the implementation of fundamental and secure web application features. Some key aspects include:

• Designed a secure and scalable Java application utilizing the Spring Boot

framework to facilitate banking operations such as creating and managing user

profiles, accounts, and transaction processes.
• Implemented CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete

for users, accounts, and transactions.
• Enhanced application security by incorporating HTTPS.
• Developed a RESTful API, enabling standardized interactions between the

application and potential external services or applications.
• Integrated PostgreSQL database for reliable data storage and management.

• Initially deployed using AWS RDS to leverage the scalability and reliability of cloud services, though it was later migrated away from AWS RDS due to ongoing cost considerations.

Future Enhancements (Please see project overview doc):
• Currently working on OAuth 2.0 implementation for advanced

authentication and authorization processes.
• Additionally, a front-end user interface is in development to provide an intuitive

and user-friendly experience, making banking operations more accessible to users.

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